輔仁大學管理學院  金融與國際企業學系 金融碩士在職專班Mastre's Program in Finance Evening and Weekend

高銘淞 教授兼系主任兼稽核室主任

學歷 台灣大學國際企業研究所博士
研究室 系主任辦公室:利瑪竇大樓三樓LM304-2、研究室:羅耀拉大樓SL205-1
經歷 中華經濟研究院研究助理



任教科目 公司理財、財務評估與價值分析、國際金融、國際財務管理
研究領域 公司理財、企業跨國投資決策、企業評價


Yi-hua Yeh, Pei-gi Shu, Ming-sung Kao (2015, Jul). Corporate Governance and Private Placement. Review of PacificBasin Financial Markets and Polices, 18(2) 1550013-1~1550013-33. (FLI).
Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo (2014). The Influences of Governance Quality on Equity-based EntryMode Choice: The Strengthening Role of Family Control. International Business Review, Vol. 23 1008-1020. (SSCI )
Chih-hsiang Hsu, Ming-sung Kao and Wei-pen Tsai, (2014). Information Transmission between Dual Listed Stocks with Non-Overlapping Trading Hours. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34 No. 3 pp. 1733-1741(Econlit)
Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo, Yi-Chieh Chang (2013). How Family Control Influences FDI Entry Mode Choice. Journal of management and organization, Vol 19(4), 367-385 . (SSCI ).
高銘淞,邱琦倫 (2013)。由機構投資者型態分析公司債收益率價差。證券市場發展季刊,26(4) 83-112。(TSSCI)
高銘淞, 吳春光, 劉怡媛, 劉芳庭 (2013) 。A Comparative Study of Taiwan Crowdfunding Websites。亞東學報,第33期,93-106。
Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo,Chih-Fang Chiu (2012). How Cultural Distance Influences Entry Mode Choice:The Contingent Role of Host Country’s Governance Quality. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65(8) 1160-1170. (SSCI ).
Anthony Kuo, Ming-Sung Kao, Yi-Chieh Chang, Chih-Fang Chiu (2012). The influence of international experience on entry mode choice: Difference between family and non-family firms. European Management Journal, Vol. 30(3) 248-263. (SSCI).
張義杰, 高銘淞, 邱志芳(2012)。文化距離之雙重立論與地主國制度環境之調節效果。中山管理評論。第二十卷,第3期,731-774。(TSSCI)。本人為通訊作者。
Victor Chen, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo. Inward FDI in Taiwan and its policy context. (2012) Columbia FDI Profiles, ValeColumbiaCenter on Sustainable International Investment. New York City, US: ColumbiaUniversity. (Book Chapter, ISSN:2159-2268).
Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao (2009). Governance and the Choice of Entry Mode by FDI Firms Entering China. Economics Bulletin , vol. 29(4), 2957-2966. (Econlit).
Ming-Sung Kao, Chih-Hsiang Hsu, Chung-Chih Liao (2009). On The Optimal Package Format For Asset Sellers. International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 3(1), 59-68. (Econlit).

  1. Anthony Kuo, Ming-Sung Kao(2011). Leading multinationals from Taiwan increase their foreign assets despite the global crisis. The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) Project, ValeColumbiaCenter on Sustainable International Investment, ColumbiaUniversity (New York City, US.). 國際合作調查研究報告

    Yi-hua Yeh, Pei-gi Shu, Ming-sung Kao (2015, Jul). Corporate Governance and Private Placement. Review of PacificBasin Financial Markets and Polices, 18(2) 1550013-1~1550013-33. (FLI).
    Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo (2014). The Influences of Governance Quality on Equity-based EntryMode Choice: The Strengthening Role of Family Control. International Business Review, Vol. 23 1008-1020. (SSCI )
    Chih-hsiang Hsu, Ming-sung Kao and Wei-pen Tsai, (2014). Information Transmission between Dual Listed Stocks with Non-Overlapping Trading Hours. Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34 No. 3 pp. 1733-1741(Econlit)
    Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo, Yi-Chieh Chang (2013). How Family Control Influences FDI Entry Mode Choice. Journal of management and organization, Vol 19(4), 367-385 . (SSCI ).
    高銘淞,邱琦倫 (2013)。由機構投資者型態分析公司債收益率價差。證券市場發展季刊,26(4) 83-112。(TSSCI)
    高銘淞, 吳春光, 劉怡媛, 劉芳庭 (2013) 。A Comparative Study of Taiwan Crowdfunding Websites。亞東學報,第33期,93-106。
    Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo,Chih-Fang Chiu (2012). How Cultural Distance Influences Entry Mode Choice:The Contingent Role of Host Country’s Governance Quality. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65(8) 1160-1170. (SSCI ).
    Anthony Kuo, Ming-Sung Kao, Yi-Chieh Chang, Chih-Fang Chiu (2012). The influence of international experience on entry mode choice: Difference between family and non-family firms. European Management Journal, Vol. 30(3) 248-263. (SSCI).
    張義杰, 高銘淞, 邱志芳(2012)。文化距離之雙重立論與地主國制度環境之調節效果。中山管理評論。第二十卷,第3期,731-774。(TSSCI)。本人為通訊作者。
    Victor Chen, Ming-Sung Kao, Anthony Kuo. Inward FDI in Taiwan and its policy context. (2012) Columbia FDI Profiles, ValeColumbiaCenter on Sustainable International Investment. New York City, US: ColumbiaUniversity. (Book Chapter, ISSN:2159-2268).
    Yi-Chieh Chang, Ming-Sung Kao (2009). Governance and the Choice of Entry Mode by FDI Firms Entering China. Economics Bulletin , vol. 29(4), 2957-2966. (Econlit).
    Ming-Sung Kao, Chih-Hsiang Hsu, Chung-Chih Liao (2009). On The Optimal Package Format For Asset Sellers. International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Vol. 3(1), 59-68. (Econlit).

    Anthony Kuo, Ming-Sung Kao(2011). Leading multinationals from Taiwan increase their foreign assets despite the global crisis. The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) Project, ValeColumbiaCenter on Sustainable International Investment, ColumbiaUniversity (New York City, US.). 國際合作調查研究報告