羅烈明 教授
學歷 | 國立暨南大學 國際企業商學博士 國立政治大學 國際貿易商學碩士 國立中央大學 物理學士 |
研究室 | 研究室:羅耀拉大樓 SL427 |
經歷 | 輔仁大學金融與國際企業學系專任教授 (2017~) 第一銀行監察人 (2022~) 中華國際經貿學會理事 (2019~) 輔仁大學金融與國際企業學系系主任 (2017~2020) 輔仁大學金融與國際企業學系專任助理教授、副教授 (2009~2017) 國立暨南大學財務金融學系兼任講師、助理教授 (2000~2008) 朝陽科技大學保險金融管理系專任講師、助理教授 (2001~2009) KGI凱基證券資金管理部襄理 (1996~1999) 空軍預算財務官(預官) (1994~1996) |
連絡方式 | (02)2905--2721 |
任教科目 | 個體經濟學 風險管理與保險 國際服務業管理 金融行銷 | ||
研究領域 | 保險財務、實質選擇權、行銷管理、科技管理 |
Journal paper (*corresponding author)
- Sheu, Lee, Luo*, & Lee (2023). Do the Historical Loss-Patterns of Financial Assets Influence Investors' Perceived Risk? Loss Aversion in Loss-Size, -Timing, and -Likelihood. Journal of Financial Studies, 31(2), 39-59. (TSSCI /JEL)
- Luo, Lee, Chou and Lee (2023). The Relations of Corporate Risk, Operating Efficiency Corporate Risk, and Firm Size to Managerial Compensation: Evidence from Taiwan Stock -Listed Companies. Asia Pacific Management Revie, 28, 194-203. (Scopus/JEL)
- Luo*, Sheu, Lee, & Lee (2016) "Optimal Pricing for both Money-back and Low-price Guarantees in Retail Markets: a Real-Option Approach", Journal of Management. 33(4), 617-637. (TSSCI)
- Luo*,Yang, Lee, Tsai (2014) "The Real-Option Value Contained in Consumers' Initial Purchase" Chiao Da Management Review, 34(2), 27-49. (TSSCI)
- Yang, Luo*, Li, Yang, Lee (2013) "The rise of the manufacturing service industry: the perspective of value-added chain model",Chinese Management Studies, 7(3), 403-418. (SSCI)
- Luo* (2013)"Valuation of money-back guarantees for retail goods: a test of the real-option perspective", Kybernetes: the International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Science, 42(5), 815-830. (SCI)
- Luo* (2012) “Optimal diversification for R&D project portfolios”, Scientometrics, 91 (1), 219-229. (SSCI)
- Luo* and Sheu (2010) “The Real R&D Options Value Incorporating Technological Risk Management”, Kybernetes: the International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Science, 39(5), 770-785. (SCI)
- Luo* and Sheu (2009) “The Alternative Pricing Approach for Variable Life Insurance Incorporating Secondary Life Insurance Market”, Jo-Da Management Review (交大管理學報), 29(1), 79-101. (TSSCI)
- Lee*, Chang, Huang and Luo (2009) “Evaluation of Employee Stock Options Using Dynamic Programming “, Journal of Futures and Options (期貨與選擇權學刊), 2(1), 99-116.(in Chinese) (TSSCI)
- Luo*, Sheu and Hu (2008) “Evaluating R&D Projects with Hedging Behavior,” Research Technology Management, Nov.-Dec., 51~57. (SSCI)
- Luo*, Sheu and Hu (2008) “The Good-deal Pricing Model for the Equity-linked Life Insurance,” Journal of Financial Studies (財務金融學刊), 16 (1), 159-82. (TSSCI)